Upcoming events.



Our district as made it aware to us that we cannot host any home meets due to construction delays on the track. However, we will be in charge of hosting this event at Burroughs. Volunteers will be needed to assist coaches.

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Our district has communicated to us that we cannot host any home meets due to construction delays on the track. However, we will be in charge of hosting this event at Arcadia. Volunteers will be needed to assist coaches.

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to Apr 19

MSAC Relays

Details about race schedule and entries will be provided by the coaches within the week leading up to the race. Meet has qualifying standards one must meet to be invited—varsity level only

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Pacific League Finals

Those that qualified from League Prelims will compete in this meet. A bus will be provided for student athletes. Details will be provided by email with in the week leading up to the race.

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to Mar 8

Redondo Beach Invite

Distance Relays will be on Friday, March 7th. Otherwise, Saturday, March 8th. More information regarding buses, times, etc. will be provided at a later date.

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CV Distance Invite

CV Distance Invite

CV volunteers are needed to pull the events off! Please see the sign up genius. LINK IS HERE.

The meet starts at 9:00am (8:45 for the community mile…anyone can run, I’ll be out there, hope to see you zooming by me!)

*We will run an efficient meet, but will need your help, please sign up to help–no experience necessary and we, as coaches, will do the tricky stuff. You will be able to step away to cheer for your athlete.

*As for the entries, they are pretty solid, but still tentative. Have your athlete speak to us if there is a problem or a mistake…we always have a reason to put athletes in the races we do, but are also open for input.

*It should be a great meet with over 18 teams, everyone will be in a race with similar competition and will have people to race!

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Palos Verdes Distance Invite

Palos Verdes Distance Invite

Bus will leave at 7AM from the school.

Gates open at 8am. Running events start at 9:30AM.

Admission: Adults/students - $5, Children 5-13 - $3, Competitors must be in uniform to enter for free. Concession stand will be open.

Parking - School parking lot entrance on Cloyden Rd or limited street parking. Follow all posted street parking signs. Ample parking on Paseo Del Mar.

For more information and heat sheet, please visit: Palos Verdes Distance Day - Meet Info - Track & Field Meet (athletic.net)

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Crescenta Valley Invitational

Crescenta Valley Invitational

- $5 Entry Fee -

Crescenta Valley Invitational has been operating for years under Coach Evans’. Teams from all over the county are encouraged to participate. A community race and middle school race usually open the time. Snack shop will be open for breakfast and lunch.

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CIF Prelims
to Nov 11

CIF Prelims

Those who placed in League Finals will have the opportunity to move into CIF Prelims. More info to come.

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Team Dinner

Team Dinner

Carb load before our first league meet! Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad! What more could you ask for? S’mores! We’ll have that too! A timely pick up is requested since our athletes need their sleep. Please see volunteer sign ups here.

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Team Dinner

Team Dinner

Carb load before our 2nd league meet! Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad! What more could you ask for? Dessert! We’ll have that too! A timely pick up is requested since our athletes need their sleep. Please see volunteer sign ups here.

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League Meet #1

League Meet #1

We’re honored to host the first league meet of the season. Parent involvement is needed to put this event on. Coach and Kate will send out emails with specific requests.

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Team Dinner

Team Dinner

Carb load before our first league meet! Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad! What more could you ask for? S’mores! We’ll have that too! A timely pick up is requested since our athletes need their sleep. Please see volunteer sign ups here.

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